Depositing and withdrawing

How to fund your FuturesAI account, and how to withdraw your funds.


Welcome to the Depositing and Withdrawing section of the FuturesAI Telegram Bot tutorial. Here, we'll guide you through the simple yet secure process of managing your funds within the FuturesAI platform.

Currently we only support withdrawals for ETH on the Ethereum (mainnet) Network. Check development status for updates on the progress of additional supported withdrawal currencies.

It's important to note that the only fees applied to withdrawals are the real-time network fees (gas ⛽️).


Getting your funds into FuturesAI to start trading is a breeze. Follow these steps to deposit:

  1. Navigate to Account Options: Within the FuturesAI Bot, go to "Account Options" and select "Deposit."

  2. Setting Your Deposit Wallet: You'll first be prompted to provide a deposit wallet, this should be an Ethereum-compatible wallet that you will be sending funds from, and can be changed at any time.

  3. Choose Your Currency: Although we specialise in meme token futures, deposits are made in more stable currencies like ETH, AVAX, MATIC, or SOL to provide a secure foundation for your trading activities (Currently only ETH is supported).

  4. Send Your Deposit: The bot will provide you with a deposit address. Simply send your Ether to this address from the wallet you set as your deposit wallet.

  5. Confirmation: Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, your FuturesAI account balance will be updated. This usually takes a few minutes, depending on network conditions.


When you're ready to take your profits or simply need to retrieve your funds, withdrawing is just as straightforward:

  1. Request a Withdrawal: In the "Account Options" menu, select "Withdraw." Currently, withdrawals are available only for ETH.

  2. Enter Withdrawal Amount: Specify how much ETH you wish to withdraw. Ensure that you have sufficient balance, considering the network fees (gas) that will be deducted.

  3. Provide Your Wallet Address: Enter the address of your personal Ethereum wallet where you wish to receive the funds. Double-check the address for accuracy to avoid any errors.

  4. Confirm and Process: After confirming your withdrawal details, the transaction will be processed. The ETH will be sent directly to your specified wallet address, minus the network fee required for the transaction which we'll give you a heads up on before you confirm.

By following these simple steps, you can easily manage your funds within the FuturesAI platform, ensuring a smooth and secure trading experience. Remember, the key to successful trading is not just making smart trades but also effectively managing your deposits and withdrawals. Happy trading!

Last updated